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Some common questions asked about The BPD Project

What does the box include?

The box will include items and products that will be related to the monthly DBT skill, putting the skill into practice by utilizing these products alongside the skill. Products can include items that will motivate you to practice mindfulness, simple exercises, muscle relaxation, physical and emotional regulation, calming techniques, and more. Some boxes will also include flair to personalize your space and remind you of your skills, journey, and overall awesomeness, such as buttons and stickers. Each box will come with a guide on what your product is, where you can get more, the cost of each item, and how to use your new tool in accordance to the monthly DBT skill. Along with the guide, there will be your DBT cards that are wallet-sized so you can carry them with you or hang them on your mirror, a gratitude card to record your monthly thanks, and a check-in card to track your DBT progress and write down any affirmations or your monthly motto. 


Who should get the box?

Although the box is geared towards people with BPD, DBT is actually very beneficial to many other mental health issues, even towards people without mental health disorders. Purchase the box for yourself, your loved ones, or even your clients! You don't need to have a specific disorder to order this box, DBT is useful in all cases. Additionally, even though 3 women to 1 man is diagnosed with BPD, that doesn't mean men are less important when it comes to mental health and BPD. The box will contain gender-neutral products to appease to all. The box is designed the way it is to metaphorically explain how we often feel and appear on the outside, but the bright colors on the inside represent there is hope, there is love, and there is a future or possibilities waiting for all of us. Still have questions on what DBT exactly is? Head over to Very Well Mind's article to learn more about this therapy treatment.

Products Page Coming Soon

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Very Well Mind's

DBT Article


When will this start?

The launch will depend on the progress of the current crowdfunding campaign, with the project needing the capital to move the needle forward and to take this passion project into a business venture. However, the plan would be to launch pre-sales through the crowdfunding campaign and use that money to gather products, boxes, and shipping materials to get these kits out and about. 

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How can I support the cause?

Currently the crowdfunding campaign is running through the end of August, but there's more to just donations when it comes to support. Sharing is caring - send posts from our Instagram to your story or tag friends and family in the comments to help spread the word. Have something to say about the project? Give a testimonial to be added to our website! Only have $5 to spare? Money adds up when it comes to crowdfunding - every dollar matters! Click the link below to go to our crowdfunding page or hit the social bar on the footer to share our content to the world!

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Have a question about The BPD Project or the boxes?

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