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The BPD Project is the go-to subscription box for people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, along with other co-morbid mental disorders. Simply put, The BPD Project is a subscription box for borderlines and those who suffer from other mental illnesses, hand-curated and designed by a borderline.


On average, people attend therapy 1 hour per week, with the remaining 167 hours spent outside of sessions without the aid of a therapist during troubling times. Here's the underlying problem: session lesson application is difficult as is and it's confusing without knowing the right DBT/CBT skill to use in the moment, especially if you don't have access to your therapist to ask until the following week. Not only that, but it's time consuming to wait until the next session to fix last week's problem, and can even lead to crisis if the issue is left unresolved. 


Check out my other pages on this website and a brief overview of it all on my crowdfunding page below!

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Celine Winham

Matt Anderson

Joe Dillon

Celine Malawi

Edvard Janvier

Juliana Casavan

Esther Shmal

Keri Fitzjohn

Ashley Cerkan

Miranda W


My goal is to donate 10% of my proceeds to a mental health organization when I begin my service! You can do that now by clicking below and donating to the National Alliance on Mental Illness!

Crowdfunding Pitch (5).png
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